"Here I Am"
Servant Ministry Sunday
November 9, 2014
This year at Annual Conference, Bishop Devadhar called on every pastor serving in the New England Conference to tell their call story in worship this fall. His hope is that each person in the pews will be invited to listen to the ways that God may be calling them to servant ministry - whether as a layperson or clergy person. So, this week Pastor Arlene and Pastor Jeff will be sharing their stories about how they were called into vocational ministry.
Our scripture for the day will be the call of the prophet Samuel. (You can read it here.) The call of young Samuel is a reminder that God calls each of us - lay and clergy, young and old, cradle Christians and new believers - to use our gifts in mission and ministry.
In addition to hearing our pastors' call stories, Bishop Devadhar is also inviting congregations to make a special offering to support the Ministerial Education Fund - our Conference fund, administered by the Board of Ordained Ministry, to provide opportunities for ongoing spiritual nurture and continuing education for clergy as well as those on the journey of discernment toward ordination.
We hope you'll join us as we listen to Arlene and Jeff's stories and consider how God might be calling us to respond, as Samuel did. "Here I Am."
See you on Sunday!
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