Monday, September 22, 2014

"Looking Toward Sunday" for September 28 through October 26

New Sermon Series:
 “The Book of Psalms – Playlist for Life”

Athanasius of Alexandria (4th C) declared that “most of scripture speaks to us, while the psalms speak for us”.  Over the next five weeks our worship will revolve around the rich collection of songs known as The Psalms.  Join us as we explore how the “hymnal” of the Hebrew Scriptures can give voice to our pleas and thanksgiving, woes and joys, doubts and trust. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

"Looking Toward Sunday" for September 21

"Envy or Gratitude?"
15th Sunday after Pentecost
September 21, 2014

This week we'll be taking a look at the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard. (You can read it by clicking here.) A landowner hired laborers at intervals throughout the day and agreed to pay them the customary daily wage of one denarius. Those hired at 6 AM became angry when they were paid the same as those hired at the end of the day (in spite of agreeing to work for the same one denarius).Their initial happiness about finding work that day immediately dissipated when they saw the good fortune of the last-hired workers. Seeing this, the landowner told them to take their money and go, adding "Are you envious because I am generous?"

Envy is a destructive emotion - no wonder it's listed among the "Seven Deadly Sins"! So, how do we prevent it from damaging us and our relationships? How do we avoid or cure envy? Join us as we reflect on the insidious nature of envy - and on its remedy.   

See you on Sunday!


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Spirit Weekend is Coming!

September 27 and 28, 2014

The First United Methodist Church of Bangor
703 Essex Street is pleased to announce
Special Guest
 Roosevelt AndrĂ© Credit

“Joe” in Showboat 

Porgy and Bess on Broadway

White House Cantata at Carnegie Hall

Come experience familiar and rousing gospel songs presented by a soulful, rich baritone voice. The ‘Ol Time’ Spiritual Concert is at 6:30 pm Saturday with no admission charged. (A free-will offering is available at the end of concert.)

Saturday also offers the popular Healthy Heart Bean Supper at 5 pm ($7 Adults / $3 Children under 12 years) prior to the concert.

Sunday morning Roosevelt joins us for worship with more music at 10:30.

We hope to see you there!

To learn more about Roosevelt’s resume and recordings please visit his website by clicking here

Saturday, September 6, 2014

"Looking Toward Sunday" for September 7

"All You Need Is Love"
13th Sunday after Pentecost
September 7, 2014

Our focus scripture this Sunday comes from Paul's Letter to the Romans. (You can read it here.) Paul reminds the Christian community in Rome that all the teachings and commandments can be distilled down to one word - LOVE. You must love your neighbor as yourself. If you do that, says Paul, then you've fulfilled the requirements of your faith. 

In the words of Lennon and McCartney, "All you need is love; love is all you need."

The Christian life is all about love, but loving our neighbor as ourselves often doesn't come naturally or easily. So, how do we begin living with love at the center of all we say and do? How do we learn to obey the commandment that sums up all others - the commandment to love? Perhaps the place to begin is with three Ps: prayer, practice, and praxis. Join us this week as we unpack what that might mean.  

See you on Sunday!